Everyone’s days are numbered.From Starred Photos
Not by god, not by chance, but by themselves.
We think of philosophical ideals of mans reason for reason.
We live life itself and still have no idea what it’s for.
Most choose something to follow, they choose something comfortable.
They choose a path that’s paved at the end.
They choose one that they make out themselves on the way.
Near the end though, they all believe in a single place to be.
Mans existence is unknown.
Though, everybody knows there is a different path for everyone.
What I’ve chosen, I had come up with on my own.
I believe I will not end up in heaven, if there ever were such a place.
I wish not to be around random people if or when I die.
I believe that people, each and everyone, is different.
Therefore I believe that each and every person may believe whatever they want when they pass on.
I do not wish to preach my ordeals nor do I want to complicate the way others think.
I only wish to show you what I believe.
I believe when we die that all of us end up in one place in a sense.
The earth.
Of course this is typical of an atheist to say something as blatant as that.
But I am not an atheist, I do not deny a higher power nor do I deny that a stronger being is out there.
What I do believe is important to me and for a very long time I have felt alone.
So alone that others in my position might have committed acts of suicide.
I won’t lie to you, I’ve thought of it, but life itself is too important to me.
The amount of knowledge accessible to the human mind is so astounding that I could not dare of doing something so stupid.
I believe everybody has a purpose in this life.
The purpose is so obvious that most of us do it every day without realizing the act.
To make yourself happy, that is the purpose of life.
That is what I believe, that is why I do not preach, nor do I condemn every religion I’ve heard of.
It does not make me happy to make others feel insulted.
I believe the soul duty to living on this earth is to live life well.
If you think about the ways of religion, they are very concrete.
Religion in some cases is needed.
It is needed to live a better life.
When you think of our society now, you have rules to follow and social security number that recognizes you.
Back then there were few rules to follow.
People could die every day and nobody would do anything to stop it.
Religion kept boundaries and gave mankind a simple set of morals.
These morals do something very simple to our lives.
They make us happy, so we may live in a better place.
Like Ayn Rand said, “It is the entire emotional realm of man’s dedication to a moral ideal”.
That is what I now believe to be religion.
Religion does not harm others, it is just a means to get people to move and live just lives.
Like I said in the beginning, our days are numbered not by god, nor by chance, but by ourselves.
She has also stated something else I find very intriguing, “It is the highest level of mans emotions that has to be redeemed from the muck of mysticism and redirected at its proper object: Man”.
Think about the way this is said, if you understand it then you can see what I see.
Objectivism is what I currently believe in.
I find it amazing that I had figured this out before I knew there was a name to it.
That is the power of the human mind.
We are all different, yet we can figure out what others are feeling and recognize that same feeling to feel it ourselves.
We are amazing creatures to think of compassion.
Thank you for listening to what I believe, I hope you take this and look at it in a different light to understand what I understand.
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