Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Who am I?

Who am I and why is that so hard to answer?
To some, I am a brother, a son, a father and a husband.
Who am I and why is that so hard to answer?
To me, I am
How do I answer this ?
To me, I am a poet, a song writer, an artist.
To me, I am an adventurer, a leader, a fighter,
To me, I am who I'm aspired to be.
I've been so focused on surviving these last few years, that I've forgotten what it was like to be me.
Hiding parts of me I'm afraid others wont like.
Saving the best parts of me for myself has lead me to feel lonely and closed off.
I miss feeling free, I miss feeling good.
Life has it's highs and lows.
I need to remember that.