Monday, November 3, 2014

That cloud. Where.

What ever it is, it haunts me.
It's been with me since i can remember.

It's cold.
It hurts.

It isn't learned.
It just happens.

I want to forget it. but it's so strong.
Turning days i enjoy into wrong.

It's like i can't try.
As if everything's a lie

It looms over.
It waits on my shoulders.


There's only so much to give.

Giving anymore empties my soul.
Feeling as if nothing will ever make me whole.

Not that i haven't made bad life choices.
But i love what i've done.

I just...


Context, unbecoming.
People, maybe, wondering.

Colorful words read description.
Maybe i do need a prescription.

I need something to keep me going.
All this hate, just keeps growing.

I haven't used an outlet in some time.

Anything i can think of.

i can't lift a finger.
My body, the cloud lingers.

heart heavy, breathing slow.
As if my body just didn't know.




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