Monday, October 19, 2009

Negativity ruling the minds of children

From Drop Box
I found this digging in my backpack today, it was in my math binder for some reason. I think i wrote this about two weeks ago. The entire poem is kind of odd. It ranges from both ends of two different spectrum's but, it does capture what i was feeling at the exact moment when someone pissed me off. Enjoy :D

Is it my face, my attitude, or the way i speak that brings people accustomed to treating me like shit? I try to help, I try to be nice but it seems as if people just like to take advantage. What's with people today, it's like the world is sour. All you do is smile and they all lash back with power. Negativity ruling the minds of children.

Blue sky's and rainbows
Windsor ties and faint foes
Dark clouds with lightening
Thick thunder becomes frighting
The fog shadows before your eyes
Through smoke and flames are the cries
Buildings fall rainbows shatter
help comes without a latter
The city under attack
The people running back
Clear sky's now a haze
your mind set ablaze

You now see through the eyes of your superior. Backing down from the podium you become inferior. You quickly quit life and take another profession. Stopped in your tracks by the people who need you, you quickly figure out the meaning of this lesson. The Windsor knot again upon your neck. For you've fought for a second chance at everything you do, you let live and people listen to you.

1 comment:

Intellect Gang said...

haha yeah, my oximoron "out of funk" means "out of rhythm." lol kinda out of funk for being out of funk huh? ahahhahhha. i'm glad your mailbox is cool. ah, corolla's been through worse.
stay cool dude.