Thursday, August 13, 2009

Empty thoughts lead to empty thoughts.

From Drop Box
I felt like I should write something since I'll be gone all weekend. I started off with an interesting concept but i ended this terribly. I didn't know what else to say because i didn't really feel like ranting about how poor people are and the stupid choices they make, plus i don't want to offend anyone. So this is kind of stupid, like i said it's interesting i just wish i could write something a little more on topic instead of everywhere.

Like vice-grips pulling at your soul

Locked in place never letting go

A building stands, oh so empty

No hallways, no rooms, yet its stories tall.

The graffiti on the sides reflect the way the community feels.

Like dark name tags a gruesome felt heartbreak, like a nightmare you can never awake.

People paint on these walls to express what they have left inside themselves.

Animals, to rebel, to come together.

Thoughts of “no thinking”, acts of uncertainty.

Groups of talentless people, amid one a true visionary.

They write, paint, and speak of unity.

To gather and collect, to rebel and reflect what society has created.

None other than these people can express feelings like this.

Watch your community and look at what they’ve done.

For better or for worst these people stay and listen to just one.

Under pressure, secretly the people who paint are the ones who’ll succeed.

Enlighten me of this fact of random violence, to prove who’s got the bigger ego?

To show whose got it all?

Mundane lives taught our generation of laziness and despair after Herbert Hoover created Welfare.

Everybody’s to blame not just the parents.

Who taught them?

As the state of your mind loses consciousness and drifts off into dreamland

I dream of nightmare upon nightmare of this sickly world.

The empty building I see just so happens to be in my dreams.

It was built by a man not so intelligent, with blueprints they couldn’t read.

The building was erected to inspire architectural advances.

To show how height is no longer an issue, for man can create anything.

Man can do anything he wants.

Like vice-grips pulling at your soul.

I think about life and the creation of our creations.

In which that hollow building, built out of the heart of an American to show mankind the limitless possibilities.

A symbol to society is now being written upon and trashed.

No respect, no decency, no kindness toward others.

Those visionaries I spoke of, the ones who paint.

Need to leave behind their lives and enter something that’s challenging.